Monday, November 21, 2011

3 Steps to take before you hire a Web Design Company

When deciding to put your business online the design of your website is something that should not be taken lightly. Once you put something online and put your business name and reputation behind it it's going to be there for the world to see. So you want to make sure that your online presence is in sync with your offline presence and neither one or the other is putting each other at risk.

With many people going online to check your website and do their due dilligence before doing business with you, it is an absolute neccesity for you to have a professional website.

I can't tell you how many times I have turned the other way from hiring a company based on their website.

What does it say about your company if you are not willing to invest in a professional website design?

Your website can either make or break a deal for you so you want to make sure you are ahead of the curve.
Here are a few tips to make sure you hire the right company:

1. First of all look at their website. Look to see if the web design company has taken the time to design a professional website for themselves. This is one of the first signs to know if you are dealing with someone who is serious and knows what they are talking about.

If the web design company themselves have a poorly designed website, RUN!

2. Check their portfolio. If you are considering hiring a web design company one of the first things you should do is check their portfolio. It is rare nowadays to find a web design company who does not have their portfolio prominantely displayed on their website.

If for some strange reason they do not have a portfolio page again, RUN!

3. Do they have their phone number readily available? The last thing you want to do is hire a company who you can't reach directly should you have any issues, questions, or changes you want made to your website.

Do not hire a company who's only form of communication is email. This is a surefire way to get scammed and lose your money. If they are not willing to take your phone calls, RUN!

Follow these 3 steps before you pull the triger on hiring a web design company.

If you would like to work with a professional web design company I highly recommend Absolute Web Services. They are a Miami Web Design based company and have been in business for over a decade.
They have the track record to prove their expertise and are readily available to speak to you over the phone.

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